Organisation |
Project |
Grant |
Albury Ice Hockey Association | Ice time contribution | $3,300 |
Alzheimer’s South Canterbury | Operational costs – wages | $10,000 |
AMPSS101 | Computer system | $2,000 |
Anxiety New Zealand Trust | Operational costs & resource development | $5,000 |
Aorangi Croquet Club Inc | Lawn renovation & maintenance | $4,680 |
Arts on Tour NZ Trust | Operating Costs | $10,000 |
Ashburton Jumping & Showhunter | Event equipment costs | $5,000 |
Ashburton Baptist Church | Ashburton CAP Debt Help Centre | $10,000 |
Ashburton Bridge Club Inc | Building renovations | $17,000 |
Ashburton Civic Music Council | Bands in the Domain | $1,000 |
Ashburton District Neighbourhood Support Inc | Wages | $5,000 |
Ashburton Indoor Bowls Assn | Reroof of indoor bowls stadium | $10,000 |
Ashburton Jumping & Showhunter | Equipment & safety fencing | $5,000 |
Ashburton Learning Centre | Operational costs | $5,000 |
Ashburton New Life Church Trust Board | Ashburton Christmas in the Park | $3,000 |
Ashburton Parents Centre | Operating expenses | $10,000 |
Ashburton Seniors Centre Trust | Exterior painting | $8,000 |
Ashburton Town Watch Society | Patrol Car replacement | $5,000 |
Ashburton Trust Event Centre | Stage Show | $5,000 |
Ashburton Youth Cafe CT | BASE Youth Centre | $8,000 |
Ashburton Youth Cafe CT (BASE) | Operational costs – BASE Youth Cafe | $10,000 |
Ashburton Youth Health Trust | HYPE Youth Health Centre | $15,000 |
Athletics South Canterbury Track Trust | Resurface of atheltics track at Aorangi Park | $170,000 |
Autism NZ | Operating costs | $5,000 |
Aviva | Support Services and Community Development | $9,455 |
Birthright Canterbury Trust | Operational costs | $10,000 |
Blue Light Ventures Inc | Resource handbook | $2,447 |
Brake NZ | Driving simulator pilot | $15,000 |
Cancer Society South Canterbury | Operating costs | $30,000 |
CanInspire CT | CanBead Workshops & Admin costs | $6,000 |
Canterbury West Coast Air Rescue Trust | Operational costs | $50,000 |
Canterbury West Coast Sports Trust | Operational Costs | $15,000 |
Central South Island Cycle Trails Inc | Central South Trail | $100,000 |
Cholmondely Childrens’ Centre | Operating costs | $10,000 |
Citizens Advice Bureau – Timaru | Operating costs – wages | $10,000 |
Citizens Advice Bureau Mid Canterbury | CAB services and coordinator wages | $8,000 |
Citizens Advice Bureau South Canterbury Inc | Manager’s salary | $10,000 |
Coastguard Mackenzie Lakes Inc | New rescue vehicle & tow truck | $50,000 |
Community Accounts Service CT | Community Accounting Support | $7,500 |
Community House Mid-Canterbury CT | Stage 2 of airconditioning upgrade & replacement of front reception desk | $8,671 |
Congregational Christian Church of Samoa in Timaru | Sound system | $10,000 |
Connecting Mid Canterbury CT | Programme costs | $5,000 |
CPlay | Playground | $250,000 |
Family Mental Health Support | Administrator wages | $15,000 |
Family Support SC | Tablets & wages | $4,210 |
Foodbank Aotearoa NZ | Foodbank | $40,000 |
Geraldine Children Social Work Trust | Operational costs | $8,000 |
Geraldine District Golf Club Inc | Greens mower | $8,000 |
Geraldine Ukefest | Geraldine Ukefest 2021 | $2,600 |
Gloriavale Leaver’s Support Trust | Resettlement of Gloriavale Leavers | $5,000 |
Hakatere Ceramics & Pottery Ashburton Inc | New kilns | $6,132 |
Heart Kids NZ South Canterbury Branch | Operating Costs | $10,000 |
High Country Medical Trust | Security/Communications upgrades | $11,125 |
Highfield Mountainview Scout Group | Computer & printer | $1,200 |
Hinds Community Centre | Audio visual upgrade | $9,943 |
Home & Family Society Christchurch Inc | Support services to families from our area | $10,000 |
Hospice Mid Canterbury | Operating Costs | $15,000 |
Kai for Kids CT Ashburton | Kitchen equipment | $10,000 |
Kurow Community Pool | Rejuvenation of Pools – Painting and filtration | $10,000 |
Learning For You | Operating Costs | $2,500 |
Mackenzie Basin Wilding Tree Trust | Community Engagement Project – Year 2 | $16,824 |
Mackenzie Book & Art Society Inc | CREATE: Mackenzie Book & Art Festival | $10,000 |
Mackenzie Community Enhancement Board | Foodbank | $10,000 |
Mackenzie Community Enhancement Board | Oral history Project | $2,250 |
Mackenzie District Community Care CT | Mackenzie Aged Care Design & Consultation | $28,600 |
MC Emergency Relief CT | MC Rural driver licensing scheme | $8,000 |
MC Hockey Inc | Coaching & development officer costs & admin costs | $5,000 |
MC United Football Club | Operating expenses | $3,000 |
Men’s Shed Trust Geraldine | Operating/start up costs | $2,000 |
Methven Bowling Club Inc | Sunshade | $5,000 |
Mid Canterbury Hockey | Electronic scoreboard | $5,000 |
Mid Canterbury Youth CT | 24-7 Programme | $10,000 |
MS & Parkinsons Society Canterbury | Operating costs | $5,000 |
Mt Nessing Golf Club | Irrigation Update | $5,000 |
Mt Somers Reserve Board | Hall stage curtain replacement | $8,000 |
Mt Somers Walkway Society | Sharplin Falls Track re-opening | $80,000 |
New Zealand Raptor Trust | Roofing project | $21,000 |
NZ Choral Federation Inc | The Big Sing Cadenza | $1,674 |
NZ Endometriosis Foundation CT | Operating costs | $5,000 |
Old Boys’ Sports Club Timaru Inc | Club administrator wages | $2,000 |
Orari River Protection Group | Weed & pest eradication | $14,110 |
Order of St John – Timaru | Operating costs – Aoraki Shuttle Service | $10,000 |
Parent to Parent | Support Groups & Travel | $2,500 |
Peel Forest Outdoor Pursuits Centre | Stage 3 Eco lodge | $17,000 |
Pleasant Point Cricket Club | New pitch | $15,000 |
Pleasant Valley Hall Society | PV Hall Centennial | $3,600 |
Presbyterian Support – Upper South Island | Operational costs – wages | $10,000 |
Presbyterian Support SC (Special) | Foodbank | $10,000 |
Rakaia Squash Club Inc | Club extensions | $20,000 |
Read NZ Te Pou Muramura Incorporated | Writers in Schools – Mid and South Canterbury | $5,000 |
Recreate NZ | Youth development | $3,000 |
Riverbridge Native Species Trust | Purchase of native trees & predator management | $5,000 |
Road Safety Education Ltd | Programme | $8,500 |
Ronald McDonald House South Island | Operation costs | $10,000 |
Run Timaru | Sound System | $1,299 |
SC Chamber of Commerce | NFP Training Support | $15,000 |
SC Hospice | Operating costs | $25,000 |
SC Multiple Sclerosis Society | Operational costs | $10,000 |
SC Neighbourhood Support | Operational costs | $10,000 |
SC Stroke Club | Employee wages | $3,000 |
Seniorcare Geraldine Inc | Room alteration | $7,550 |
South Canterbury Gym Sports | Wages, rent & coach education | $10,000 |
South Canterbury Highland Pipe Band Inc | Band equipment maintenance & renewal | $8,298 |
Southern Canterbury A&P Assn | St Johns support | $1,500 |
SPELD | Training costs | $2,500 |
Sport Waimate Inc | Operational costs | $5,000 |
Squash Midlands | Administrator wages | $5,000 |
St Andrew’s Geraldine Food Bank (Special) | Foodbank | $8,500 |
St Vincent de Paul – Ashburton (Special) | Foodbank | $10,000 |
St Vincent de Paul – Timaru (Special) | Foodbank | $10,000 |
Staveley Hall Society | Ice Rink Refrigeration Project | $120,000 |
Stopping Violence Services | Operating costs | $15,000 |
Swim Timaru | Race starter | $3,800 |
TalkLink Trust | Operational costs | $10,000 |
Team Tumble Cheer | Gym Equipment | $2,984 |
Temuka & Districts Historical Society Inc. | Museum restoration and strengthening project | $20,000 |
Temuka & Geraldine A& P Assn | Building Project | $15,000 |
Temuka Bowling Club | Club room renovations | $15,000 |
Temuka Combined Churches | Foodbank | $6,000 |
Temuka Embroiderers’ Guild | Event | $1,500 |
Temuka Golf Club Inc | Tractor replacement | $7,500 |
The Parkinson’s NZ CT | Operating costs | $5,000 |
The Salvation Army – Ashburton (Special) | Foodbank | $10,000 |
The Salvation Army – Timaru (Special) | Foodbank | $10,000 |
The Salvation Army – Waimate (Special) | Foodbank | $7,400 |
The Theatre in Health Education Trust | Sexwise Tour 2022 | $5,000 |
Timaru Golf Club Inc | Implement & cart sheds | $10,000 |
Timaru Group Riding for The Disabled | Office technology | $6,643 |
Timaru Senior Citizens Assn | Coordinator Wages | $10,000 |
Trotts Community Garden CT | Garden ownership & education centre | $150,000 |
Volunteering Mid & South Canterbury Inc. | Operating Costs – wages | $7,500 |
Waimate Community Radio 87.7 FM | Operating costs – rent | $3,900 |
Waimate District Cooperating Venture | Church repaint | $10,000 |
Waimate Golf Club | Green maintenance | $3,000 |
Waimate Rodeo | Operating costs | $3,000 |
Wandersearch Canterbury Charitable Trust | Operational & programme support | $5,080 |
Wellbeing Opuke | Wellbeing Ōpuke Collaboration, Partnership and Community Hui | $7,000 |
Willowby Community Hall | Roof painting 2022 | $5,500 |
YMCA | Ashburton premises upgrade | $20,000 |
Youthline Central South Island | Crisis response service | $9,500 |